Consectetur Adipisicing Elit

We Support Children and Youth to Reach Their Full Potential

Impact Stories

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Goals and Objectives:

  • We are working with the disabled people.
  • We are organizing the well-intelligent people of the country, especially the young society.
  • We are working on health awareness.
  • We are playing a strong role against any anti-social activities.
  • We are always by the side of the people living below the poverty line of the society.
  • We are working with orphans.
  • We will take any steps to maintain the balance of the environment, Literature, culture, sports, entertainment, etc.
  • We are providing support and encouragement in creative work.

Keep Homeless Warm in this Winter

This upcoming winter we have a project to help the street poor people by providing them blankets, warm clothes and helping the children. We give Blankets, Shawls, Sweaters and Socks directly to families and children abandoned by society and lack basic necessities who live on the streets and in desperately poor communities in Madaripur,Bangladesh.

Street people warm themselves temporarily by burning wood on the streets of Madaripur, Dhaka. While in winter time in Bangladesh and this is the time when many people die every year from cold waves in this region.

Warm clothes and the poor

People in the street suffer a lot because they have no shelter. On the other hand, millions of poor people cannot afford to buy enough warm clothes to keep them warm in winter. The winter has finally made its presence felt -and felt quite unerringly. Unannounced, it caught the city dwellers, many of whom complained of total absence of wintry symptoms till the other day, off guard. The sceptics cannot be blamed for doubting the arrival of the winter in its chilliest form of long bygone years. For years the season has mostly eluded the city dwellers where temperature is five to nine degrees.

What is the issue, problem, or challenge?

For the poor, particularly Children’s, Young Girls, Disabled Men and Women without blankets and any warm clothing this dangerous damp cold claim lives every year. Those areas of Bangladesh face several social problems. Abandoned by their families and society, they are subjected to much humiliation and are denied even essential human rights such as shelter, food, security, health and dignity. These injustices can be traced to the culture-specific practices and social taboos surrounding poverty in Bangladesh.

How will this project solve this problem?

We are currently works to improve the child labor and street living conditions of about 7000 Improvised Children, Young Girls, Disabled Men and Women. Our upcoming winter project seeks to improve their standard of living. Providing warm Blankets, shawls, sweaters and socks will help these neglected Children, Young Girls, Disabled Men and Women stay warm during the rapidly approaching cold winter season. We are allocated 40,000 blankets, sweaters, socks and shawls in this project to be distributed.”

Donation Goal For This Project is $20,000

Potential Long Term Impact

Since blankets, shawls and sweaters are a long-lasting item; these will be usable by widowed women for at least a few years. Distributing with blankets, sweaters and shawls will help take care of a basic need for protection against the cold. In addition, since most of the Improvised Children’s, Young Girls, Disabled Men and Women are often physically weak, these would help prevent further health problems. Blankets, shawls, sweaters and socks are a necessity for them. This appeal is a response to an annual need and is humanitarian in nature.

What are Human Rights ?

 It’s A Human Rights Education Program Session which’s sponsored by Youth For Human Rights International (YHRI)” and organised by “Alor Shondhane Manobota Shongostha (ASMS)” at Mostafapur High School, Madaripur.

The Human Rights Education Program Session is about knowledge and practical approach toward human rights on how to improve human rights in the future. Middle of the program ASMS have provided tiffin to the students foods & soft-drinks.

Its goal is to help people understand human rights, value human rights, and take outcome of human rights education is empowerment, a process through which people and communities increase their control of their own lives and the decisions that affect them. The ultimate goal of human rights education is people working together to bring about human rights, justice, and dignity for all.
Education about human rights provides people with information about human rights. It includes learning –
about the inherent dignity of all people and their right to be treated with respect
about human rights principles, such as the universality, indivisibility, and interdependence of human rights
about how human rights promote participation in decision making and the peresponsibility for respecting, defending, and promoting human rights. An important aceful resolution of conflicts
about the history and continuing development of human rights
about regional, national, state, and local law that reinforces international human rights law
about using human rights law to protect human rights and to call violators to account for their actions
about human rights violations such as torture, genocide, or violence against women and the social, economic, political, ethnic, and gender forces which cause them
about the persons and agencies that are responsible for promoting, protecting, and respecting human rights
developing critical understanding of life situations
analyzing situations in moral terms
realizing that unjust situations can be improved
recognizing a personal and social stake in the defense of human rights
analyzing factors that cause human rights violations
knowing about and being able to use global, regional, national, and local human rights instruments and mechanisms for the protection of human right strategizing appropriate responses to injustice acting to promote and defend human rights 

Rights, Responsibilities, and Action 

Integral to learning about one’s human rights is learning about the responsibilities that accompany all rights. Just as human rights belong to both individuals and society as a whole, the responsibility to respect, defend, and promote human rights is both individual and collective. For example, calls not only on governments to promote human rights, but also on “every individual and every organ of society.” Human rights education provides the knowledge and awareness needed to meet this responsibility.

The responsibilities of all citizens in a democratic society are inseparable from the responsibility to promote human rights. To flourish, both democracy and human rights require people’s active participation. Human rights education includes learning the skills of advocacy – to speak and act every day in the name of human rights.
Human rights education also provides a basis for conflict resolution and the promotion of social order. Rights themselves often clash, such as when one person’s commitment to public safety conflicts with another’s freedom of expression. As a value system based on respect and the equality and dignity of all people, human rights can create a framework for analyzing and resolving such differences. Human rights education also teaches the skills of negotiation, mediation, and consensus building.
often lack the language and conceptual framework to effectively advocate for them. Growing consensus around the world recognizes education for and about human rights as essential. It can contribute to the building of free, just, and peaceful societies. Human rights education is also increasingly recognized as an effective strategy to prevent human rights abPeople who do not know their rights are more vulnerable to having them abused and uses.

The program was presented by –

A K M Nurul Amin – Ex. Govt Employee & Senior Vice-president of ASMS @Mizanur Rahman Khan – Assistant Headmaster of Mostafapur Bahumukhi High School & Vice-president of ASMS @ Mohammad Maniruzzaman  Sannamat – Joint General Secretary of ASMS @MD Borhan Khan – Headmaster of Mostafapur Bahumukhi High School, @Jobahar Molla – Teacher of Mostafapur Bahumukhi High School, @Sabuj Matubbar – Teacher of Mostafapur Bahumukhi High School @Tanvir Ahamed (Joy) – General Secretary of ASMS “Bringing awareness to Human Rights for Global” To know more 👉